Marcadores por tags: "cancer" 13 resultado/s · Ver todos |  |  | |
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When you hear about insomnia, what may come to your mind in the first time actually? Insomnia is the certain condition when people may suffer from difficulty to sleep. If you also type of people who often suffer the same problem in sleeping, you need to m |     [Votos: 0] 18 Jul, 2013 a las 12:33
Tags: prostate, cancer | |
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Over 200,000 thousand Americans (men and women) get diagnosed with carcinoma within the USA per annum (70% square measure elderly). though most patients receive some quite treatment before going into remission (a amount of your time once the cancer is eit |     [Votos: 0] 24 Ago, 2012 a las 14:48
Tags: lung, cancer | |
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A designation of breast cancer is one among the foremost horrifying, and life dynamic events for any woman and her family. Though obtainable treatments continue to improve, and survival rates continue to rise, it remains as traumatic and life threatening |     [Votos: 0] 18 Ago, 2012 a las 00:51
Tags: breast, cancer | |
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